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Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?!

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Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?! Empty Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?!

Post by Guest Sun 21 Dec 2014, 12:47

Hello all.

I'm getting quite to used to installing the Sims on my computer (this is about the fifth time I'm going through this process using your uploads) however, this time I'm quite stumped. Upon installation I choose 'Custom' installation and I change the destination of the base game and the expansion packs after having created subfolders (D:\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 ...) and the installation goes fine, no problems. However, when I got to installing the third expansion pack my computer warned me that there was no space left, which I found odd since my (D:) drive has 1.81 terabytes' worth of space. But then I see that my (C:) drive is the one that's been getting filled up, despite the fact that I can blatantly SEE all the Sims 3 folders on the (D:) drive. There is practically nothing else I've installed on this computer as it's brand new, so I have no idea how that can happen.
Am I missing something here? D: 

Thanks in advance.


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Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?! Empty Re: Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?!

Post by Guest Sun 21 Dec 2014, 14:32

Hi there, msArekusa! Smile

How much free space do you have in C:, currently? And how many Expansion Packs do you have installed? Sometimes the Expansion Packs take some space of C: during the installation, so you should always keep at least some free space in that drive.

You also need to keep in mind that even if the game is installed in the D: drive, it still needs some space in C:, as this is the drive where all of your game content is saved (Saves, Mods, Custom Content, Worlds...). There is a way to make this folder be in the D: drive, but you should only try it if you are confident enough. It's not extremely hard, especially if you follow the instructions carefully, but you need to be sure of what you are doing. 
You can find the guide for doing that here:

Good luck, and please let us know how it goes!


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Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?! Empty Re: Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?!

Post by Guest Tue 23 Dec 2014, 07:08

Are you running the installs right out of your RAR opener, or have you extracted the folders and ran the .exe out of those?


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Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?! Empty Re: Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?!

Post by The_gh0stm4n Tue 23 Dec 2014, 22:44

msArekusa wrote:Hello all.

I'm getting quite to used to installing the Sims on my computer (this is about the fifth time I'm going through this process using your uploads) however, this time I'm quite stumped. Upon installation I choose 'Custom' installation and I change the destination of the base game and the expansion packs after having created subfolders (D:\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3 ...) and the installation goes fine, no problems. However, when I got to installing the third expansion pack my computer warned me that there was no space left, which I found odd since my (D:) drive has 1.81 terabytes' worth of space. But then I see that my (C:) drive is the one that's been getting filled up, despite the fact that I can blatantly SEE all the Sims 3 folders on the (D:) drive. There is practically nothing else I've installed on this computer as it's brand new, so I have no idea how that can happen.
Am I missing something here? D: 

Thanks in advance.

Adding to what was said already, you need to take into account that BESIDES the savefiles and other stuff in Sims 3, your main partition where the operating system (Windows) is installed, will also need some extra space to function properly. 

Does your C: drive happen to be a separate SSD drive ? If so, tehn the filespace will be small, usually. You will try and need to free up some space then.
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Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?! Empty Re: Sims 3 seems to be installed on (D:) drive but takes up space on (C:) drive?!

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