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Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates".

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Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates". Empty Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates".

Post by Guest Sat 14 Mar 2015, 14:45

I tried to install Sims 3 Midnight Hollows, but it gives the above error message. Please help Sad


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Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates". Empty Re: Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates".

Post by Guest Sat 14 Mar 2015, 15:21

what is the error it gives you more detail maybe some pictures might help


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Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates". Empty Re: Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates".

Post by Sim Architect Tue 17 Mar 2015, 13:01

tika Mixemup wrote:what is the error it gives you more detail maybe some pictures might help
What he said.
Sim Architect
Sim Architect
The Gray Eminence :p
G4TW HONORARY Moderator The Gray Eminence :p

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Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates". Empty Re: Couldn't install Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Says "Requires software update. Please make sure your game has teh latest Software Updates".

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