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Kids Stuff CAS Items not showing up

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Kids Stuff CAS Items not showing up Empty Kids Stuff CAS Items not showing up

Post by Guest Sun 11 Dec 2016, 00:44

I accidentally updated my game (I have a legit base), so I had to reinstall the expansions, and fix, but when I went into my game I noticed that the kids that had spawned in Kids Stuff CAS items were missing torsos, or legs, or they were bald. I realized none of the Kids Stuff CAS items were showing up, but the option from the filter to show only items from certain packs had a Kids Stuff option. I went to see if this also was a problem with build mode items, but when I went into a lot the Kids Stuff furniture and items did show up.  

So I reinstalled the Base Game, and the expansions and the fix, and it's still not showing up. I've checked to see if anything was quarantined, but nothing was. It was a completely vanilla game when I checked the second time, so no Mods.


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Kids Stuff CAS Items not showing up Empty Re: Kids Stuff CAS Items not showing up

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 11 Dec 2016, 23:46

marion876 wrote:I accidentally updated my game (I have a legit base), so I had to reinstall the expansions, and fix, but when I went into my game I noticed that the kids that had spawned in Kids Stuff CAS items were missing torsos, or legs, or they were bald. I realized none of the Kids Stuff CAS items were showing up, but the option from the filter to show only items from certain packs had a Kids Stuff option. I went to see if this also was a problem with build mode items, but when I went into a lot the Kids Stuff furniture and items did show up.  

So I reinstalled the Base Game, and the expansions and the fix, and it's still not showing up. I've checked to see if anything was quarantined, but nothing was. It was a completely vanilla game when I checked the second time, so no Mods.


Hello @Marion876,

Check under Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 for a file named GameVersion.txt; please delete the file. And as for the missing DLC, check out the post here for a possible solution:

Also try running the game as Administrator too. Good luck for now!
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