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"This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 3. Please install The Sims 3 before installing this product."

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"This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 3. Please install The Sims 3 before installing this product." Empty "This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 3. Please install The Sims 3 before installing this product."

Post by Guest Wed 05 Apr 2017, 13:38

The topic title says it all. I have properly installed the base game with the games4theworld custom updater, successfully started the base game in a test run, and then I moved onto expansions. And they all have this error. It may just be me being stupid (it normally is) but I'm posting incase I can get support, and incase it's something bigger.



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"This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 3. Please install The Sims 3 before installing this product." Empty Re: "This product requires an installed copy of The Sims 3. Please install The Sims 3 before installing this product."

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Wed 05 Apr 2017, 21:26


What can you tell us about the base game, did you download it from us, or from another source? And if it's the latter, is it a "stand-alone" base game, or a special edition or custom installer of some sort?
Did you, by any chance, install on an external drive that may now have been assigned a different drive letter?
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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