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Crashing Empty Crashing

Post by Guest Mon 28 Aug 2017, 07:42

I have installed the base game AND all expansion packs without issue as per the included instructions.

I am able to load the game (cinematic opener and main menu) However, after I choose a world to play, the loading screen appears with the green bar. But before the bar is 100% full, it stops and the music and tips keep going. After a few moments, the music stops and then nothing for a few minutes. Then it's quiet for a little longer, and then it crashes. This has happend 3 times now. 

I have done the suggested DEP settings, but that has not seemed to solve my problem.


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Crashing Empty Re: Crashing

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 03 Sep 2017, 17:14

ZombieNerdxx wrote:I have installed the base game AND all expansion packs without issue as per the included instructions.

I am able to load the game (cinematic opener and main menu) However, after I choose a world to play, the loading screen appears with the green bar. But before the bar is 100% full, it stops and the music and tips keep going. After a few moments, the music stops and then nothing for a few minutes. Then it's quiet for a little longer, and then it crashes. This has happend 3 times now. 

I have done the suggested DEP settings, but that has not seemed to solve my problem.

Welcome to the Forum and sorry for the belated reply,

Please give the possible solution here a try as well:

If your graphics card is not from NVIDIA, maybe you will have to do additional research on your own. But this excessive frame rendering can also cause crashes. Good luck for now! Smile
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