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Get objects from certain expansion packs?

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Get objects from certain expansion packs? Empty Get objects from certain expansion packs?

Post by Guest Sun 02 Dec 2018, 03:53

Hi! I wasn't going to install "Get Famous" expansion because my game is already too laggy. But I saw there are drones in that expansion pack, wow! Is there a way to get a certain object without actually playing with the full expansion? There are others packs that brings a lot of objects I don't want, such as pets clothes but I wanted My First pet's small pets (you know, Pikachu, Sonic and others great mod creations over there are really worth it xD).
So is there a trick to get this objects from certain expansions for own use?


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Get objects from certain expansion packs? Empty Re: Get objects from certain expansion packs?

Post by The_gh0stm4n Sun 02 Dec 2018, 11:58

Does Sims 4 Studio offer the ability to "extract" individual pack items, and export them as .package files? I'm not an expert on Sims 4 Studio, but last time I used it, it showed me all items, from a CAS category I don't recall anymore.

Feel free to check out Sims 4 Studio, either on their official site, or from this mirror link. Maybe someone else with better knowledge of the program and its functions, can also weigh in here.
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