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World Adventures - What steps to skip in installation guide?

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World Adventures - What steps to skip in installation guide?  Empty World Adventures - What steps to skip in installation guide?

Post by Guest Fri 28 Sep 2012, 19:03

I am trying to install World Adventures and am a little confused about the steps in the installation guide. I found a thread on here that said to skip all of the steps using cracks as it was no longer a valid installation guide and to do the ultimate fix after installing. However, I'm really confused about which steps in the installation guide that I'm supposed to skip. Which step should I start with? I tried starting with just the Sims3EP01Setup.exe but it then told me that my regional code didn't match. If anyone could help, that'd be great. Thanks!!World Adventures - What steps to skip in installation guide?  World_10


Nevermind, I've figured it out! Thanks anyways!


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World Adventures - What steps to skip in installation guide?  Empty Re: World Adventures - What steps to skip in installation guide?

Post by ☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠ Sat 29 Sep 2012, 13:17


Good to hear.
Don’t hesitate to post if you have questions or problems again!
Happy simming The Sims Plumbob 1 topic closed.

☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
☠ ~ Aɳɳ ~ ☠
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