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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D: Empty Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

Post by Guest Tue 22 Jan 2013, 12:02

Hey guys, I've been browsing the forums for hours now and can't seem to find a fix. I've followed the instructions to install the game and installed every single expansion except medeivel. But when I try and do the manual patch it gives me errors (even after doing all the fixes). I've done just about everything that you guys have recommended for people having freezing issues too and reinstalled the game and every expansion. Im pulling my hair out Crying or Very sad

So when its at the loading screen where it should say "Seasons" it's just a white screen with a loading bar. After that, it goes to the screen where you choose your family and town but there is no text, just empty boxes. Then when I click load it gets about 1/5 of the way done and freezes. Someone please help, I've been trying to get this to work for 2 days now.

Last edited by fearwillkeepus on Wed 23 Jan 2013, 00:55; edited 1 time in total


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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D: Empty Re: Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

Post by Admin Tue 22 Jan 2013, 19:09


Please note that The Sims 3 and The Sims Medieval are two different games!

Let's see, do you have any Mods or Custom Content? (For The Sims 3)
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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D: Empty Re: Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

Post by Guest Tue 22 Jan 2013, 22:02

I do not have any mods or anything installed. Only the game and expansions you have provided. I've carefully followed your instructions for installing and fixing issues.

I'm doing one more fresh install of everything because i think its only happeneing after the game updates...


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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D: Empty Re: Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

Post by Guest Wed 23 Jan 2013, 00:53

Okay so it seems like I fixed the loading screen error. I do have 2 questions though.

1. If I use the Sims 3 launcher, it says there is an update. I used the manual update and it is still telling me to update via the launcher, is that normal?

2. I have all expansions installed but Late Night. I already followed the *MUST READ* How to install The Sims 3 correctly. guide. Is there something special I need to do to install Late Night since I already replaced the TS3W and TSLHost.dll file in Sims3\game\bin folder? I guess what I'm really asking is how to install more expansions after I've already installed most of them and have already applied the crack files..


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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D: Empty Re: Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

Post by invalidusername Wed 23 Jan 2013, 05:55

Don't update to 1.48 yet! It's not supported by our crack yet.

You can go ahead and install Late Night. All you have to do at that point is redo the manual patch (just in case, it sometimes fixes problems) and reapply the fix. Smile
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Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D: Empty Re: Getting white loading screen*SOLVED* but still have 2 questions D:

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