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Sims not aging

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Sims not aging Empty Sims not aging

Post by Guest Wed 11 Dec 2013, 00:32


Like the title says, my sims don't age anymore.
I'm playing in a -non cc- custom world called 'brooklyn heights.'
No cc, no mods.

WHat's the problem? Sad

ps: I already deleted my cache files, started a new game etc..



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Sims not aging Empty Re: Sims not aging

Post by Sephymuffins Wed 11 Dec 2013, 03:02


So you've concluded that this is only happening within that specific downloaded neighborhood?  For the record, Brooklyn Heights is considered Custom Content.  Wink  It may not be an item or article of clothing, but it is a downloadable neighborhood not originally found within the vanilla game.

First, check your game settings to be sure that something wasn't altered in the way of how long Young Adults are Young Adults or how long Adults stay Adults until they turn Elderly.  You are able to adjust it now.  Smile
My next suggestion would be to back-up your save file (if you have a family or whatnot), then attempt to uninstall the world via your Sims 3 Launcher.  Delete ALL cache files once more, if they are there, then attempt to reinstall it (again, via the Launcher).  I cannot guarantee this will work.  Sometimes neighborhoods that people make turn out to be unstable, especially if it's been years since they made it.  I'm assuming you got it from here, correct?:  http://www.mysimrealty.com/WORLDS_BrooklynHeights.html

It seems to be something you have to pay for.  Did you pay for it or torrent it?
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Sims not aging Empty Re: Sims not aging

Post by Guest Thu 12 Dec 2013, 00:13


I've paid it.

Also i tried everything you said, still not working Sad

//Edit:  & oh yea, i also wanted to ask where to find worlds that are up to date.

And how do you know they are up to date?

//Edit:  sorry for posting already a third answer.

I also wanted to mention, - whenever i play, i can play with a cat & a horse, but as soon i buy a dog in the game, large or little, doesn't matter, my sims' freewill dissapears.

This hasn't anything to do with the world-problem i mentioned before.


Please don't forget to edit your post if you need to add anything, otherwise it's considered spamming here. Smile

-  Sephymuffins

//Edit: Oke, Sephymuffins, didn't even knew i could do that hahah. Known now, thanks!  Idea 


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Sims not aging Empty Re: Sims not aging

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 12 Dec 2013, 00:36


It sounds as though the neighborhood Brooklyn Heights is glitched out.  This could be because of a lot of different reasons and to be honest, no matter what I'd be able to suggest (which is only a little at this point), I really doubt it would help you.  You're better off uninstalling the neighborhood and trying again with a brand new family elsewhere.  Chances are the glitches are happening due in part to the 1.63 patch, as the 1.63 patch was a HUGE update to the entire game.  

Unfortunately there is no way to actually (100% confirm) when a certain neighborhood was made.  I can only imagine though, most out there that are not EA made, were made way before the 1.63 patch which could prove not worth the effort! 

You can go here and hover your mouse over 'The Sims 3' then click on 'Neighborhood'.  Any and all neighborhoods hosted by Games 4 the World are bug-free and they work perfectly.  I know this, because I have all neighborhoods on my game with my main family/save data in one as we speak. Razz  Before you do install a new neighborhood though, I'd highly suggest you clear your cache once Brooklyn Heights is deleted.  Smile
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Sims not aging Empty Re: Sims not aging

Post by Guest Thu 12 Dec 2013, 00:45

Hello sephy,,

Thanks for your lovely comment. You're very helpful.
I was just buzzy deleting Brooklyn Heights & the caches.
I will download a world from G4TW, then i'll be sure it works.
It's frustrating to download something that's nice, which doesn't work..
It already takes forever to start the game up.. (Read 5 - 10 minutes.) which is a long time when you have to start over everytime the game crashes or something.
Anyway, in the past i've downloaded island paradiso and so from G4TW, but now i have another question.
TSR has gone free. So you don't longer have to pay.
But how, and i ask myself that question a lot. How in god's name do you know or a download is compatible with your game patch?

Or am i that stupid?
Thanks x


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Sims not aging Empty Re: Sims not aging

Post by Sephymuffins Thu 12 Dec 2013, 02:24

You're very welcome, madame!

As far as trying to figure out what CC goes well with your game patch level, unfortunately there's no way to tell unless the maker of the particular CC says, "This works with patch 1.63", or whatever.  I normally don't have a problem regarding compatibility for little things like clothing, makeup and hair styles.  Your main culprits that can cause issues within TS3 is:  1)  Mods,  2)  Furniture Items, 3)  Skintones, 4)  Neighborhoods and last but not least, 5) Pre-made residential lots (housing).

Mods tend to be your #1 issues with a game that suddenly goes buggy.  And trust me when I say, I totally understand how frustrating it is rebooting your game over and over again after constant crashing.  There were days that I dedicated to my game where I spent hours trying to test it out, troubleshoot certain mods and CC, etc.  My most recent CC issue was that my game would load up and just sit there - it'd freeze my ENTIRE desktop and I couldn't do anything but force-shutdown my computer. After huge amounts of testing, I found out it was because I accidentally installed Sims 2 CC on to my game!  By the time I had figured it out that it was something so simple, causing SUCH a big problem, I wanted to pull my hair out.  Mad

Anyway,  Razz  let us know how the new neighborhood goes.  If you need any assistance with it or you have any questions let me know.  My suggestion in regards to it, though, is test out the premade families in the neighborhood before making your own.  Run the game for a bit and see if all is going okay.
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Sims not aging Empty Re: Sims not aging

Post by Guest Thu 12 Dec 2013, 02:42


I played an hour with hidden springs, and everything went well.

Problem: The pizza oven doesn't work. I used to know what caused that problem, but i can't remember. Do you?

And yes, frustrating is the least you can say =D

My 6 months old son is awake and has to eat, so after that i'm going to sleep.
I'll let you know tommorow, if the neighbourhood still is going right.



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