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Origin not running

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Origin not running  Empty Origin not running

Post by Guest Tue 13 Oct 2015, 18:38

Hey , I am newbie here, and sorry my english is not good. I wanna ask something, yesterday I installed the sims 4 + get to work reloaded version , the version is 1.5. bla bla and it worked. Then I wanna update it into the newest patch so I downloaded the ultimate fix in here, and try to update the game then unfortunately it doesn't work, it said that "origin not runnig blabla.." even though I have followed the right step to install it and I have checked my anti virus and firewall and also add exception Sad is it just working on the sims games4theworld only? so I decided to uninstall the whole game and I re-installed them. But , after I installed the whole  game , the "origin not running..." is popping again. I have tried many times to fix it but, it doesn't work. So what should I do to fix it and I can play it and the game back to normal again? And if anyone know how to fix the ultimate fix for me , I will be really happy , Thank you so much


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Tue 13 Oct 2015, 18:50

Hi there! The "origin not running" problem is because of missing files from the download. Did you also install the Get To Work(GTW) from here as well? It seems that many are having problems when they didn't install the GTW. 


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Tue 13 Oct 2015, 19:15

No , i did not download sims 4 and get to work from games4theworld , but i have reloaded version. At first I have installed get to work and it worked, but after i update ultimate fix it says origin not running. Then, After i uninstall and re install but not install the ultimate fix, it says that origin not running again Sad(  i just wanna fix them to be normal again just like at first


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Tue 13 Oct 2015, 19:39

Hmm... So you have the reloaded version of GTW? I did read the ultimate fix is based on reloaded's ver. so it should work. Did you move the sims 4 file out from the original installation path? 

Also is your windows defender turn off? If i'm not wrong the rldorg.dll or something like that should be there. If not that's what causing the origin error. If all else fails, try installing the games from the games4theworld and see if it helps.

PS: currently on mobile so i can't double check the name of that .dll file.


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 02:06

Hi Ageha, yes my sims 4 and gtw are based on reloaded ver. Yeah I thought that it should work but actually doesnt work. 

When I tried re-install the sims 4 base game , the game runs fine , but after I installed the gtw , the "origin not running" prompted again. And one thing you should know, at the first time I installed sims 4 and gtw without ultimate fix, they worked perfectly. After I updated the game with ultimate fix ,and its not working, so I decided to uninstall them. After that, when I tried to install them again at the second times , it becomes error. It makes me confused  Why. I wonder , Is it possible that there is some kind of game cache or save or something like that which make the game error after I uninstalled it? 

By the way I'm using windows xp and there is no windows defender. Lol. I only have windows firewall. And I have add the exception of the sims 4 on it. Oh yeah ,I wanna ask, should I check it or uncheck it on exception ? 

I've check the file you mentioned and, yeah , it does exist in bin folder.

Sorry bad english xD but you do understand me right?


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 02:24

Hey no worries your english is perfectly understandable!  Carlos is tha man!!!

If you are up for it, try downloading the base game + gtw from the games4world itself? And see if the problem continues. If there are still sims 4 files in your My Documents folder, try moving it out to the Desktop.

Is there no othet anti-virus software/system in your pc? I'm not sure what winxp has though and mayb you should try disabling the anti-virus itself while you're downloading/installing. For the windows firewall i'm not 100% sure but i had another crack game install and the instruction was to uncheck the box? I might double check when i'm on my pc though.

Also, if all else fails, i have found a thread with replies from the sim helper. Perhaps it might help. There's also the tutorial video by sims architect. 


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 02:26

I think i've lost one of gtw crack file ._. It should be 3 file right? Two Rldorigin and one TS4.exe . and after i check my crack , its just have rldorigin.ini and ts4.exe. Is it possible that it was deleted because of anti virus? Coz I backup the crack on my flashdisk. I will check it later


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 02:29

If i'm not wrong there should be a .dll file as well inside. I had files gone when i back up to my hard disk as well so it might be the cause.


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 02:31

No , there is no other anti virus on my computer , because I've uninstalled it yesterday. And also I'm curious about the ultimate fix , why it doesnt work with mine  IAmSoHappyEmergahwd


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 02:35

It should work with reloaded ver. But like you said earlier you had a file missing? Also, this problem is still there for some users even though there are solutions now.


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 03:36

Hey , i've checked it, and yes , there's missing file. And i have fixed it and it worked, back to normal again. One more problem , the ultimate fix xD I will try again to update the ultimate fix


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 05:07

I have tried update the game with ultimate fix , but still no luck  Why.


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Wed 14 Oct 2015, 14:00

hi there! so does the game works with base game + gtw? if it does it means the ultimate fix is missing some files or perhaps you have not installed it properly? Did you move out the Sims 4 folder from the original installation to Program Files (x86)?

PS: Also did you try installing the games from download site instead and not the reloaded ver. ?


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Fri 16 Oct 2015, 12:04

yes, the base game works with gtw . I think I have installed it properly too  WhatDidUJustCallMe? 
I did not move it to Program Files because when I installed them , they are already in Program Files > The Sims 4. Is it okay? 

Oh yeah , I think I don't want to download the sims from here coz it may take a lot of time and I'm too lazy to do that  IAmSoHappyEmergahwd


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

Post by Guest Fri 16 Oct 2015, 14:40

I think the installation path should be okay. since both base game + GTW is the reloaded ver. i can't say if the ultimate fix is the cause? 

the download time is quite fast since there are alot of seeders for the torrent. how about checking out this thread? There's also the video by sim architect and some dwl links under the description


Sorry if i'm unable to help >_<


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Origin not running  Empty Re: Origin not running

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