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Not Cancelling Task/How to uninstall?

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Not Cancelling Task/How to uninstall? Empty Not Cancelling Task/How to uninstall?

Post by Guest Mon 09 Jan 2017, 22:44

I have an issue where my sims don't stop doing the task until they get all the way to whatever it is. Sometimes i have to pause the game for a few seconds and then press play for them to start/stop task.

I tried to delete the game completely and then re-install it but when i finished i loaded the game up and the old families were still their. I removed it from the programs and deleted the whole previous sims 4 folder. Did i miss something? How do i uninstall it completely so that i can try to reinstall again?


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Not Cancelling Task/How to uninstall? Empty Re: Not Cancelling Task/How to uninstall?

Post by Guest Tue 10 Jan 2017, 11:04

When you uninstall the game, your game details remain unharmed in the folder
Documents - Electronoic Arts - The Sims 4.
Simple way to solve this problem is renaming that folder to The Sims 4_old because maybe you want to use some items still in your newly installed game later. (copy/paste)


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