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Why is my game not loading?

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Why is my game not loading? Empty Why is my game not loading?

Post by Guest Sun 31 Oct 2010, 20:27

I have WA, Ambitions, Fast Lane, and Late Night Installed. The game starts to the main menu, but when i start a new game it loads for a little then it just stops. I only have the cracks for the base game and Late night installed, could this be the problem?


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Why is my game not loading? Empty Re: Why is my game not loading?

Post by Yusifer Sun 31 Oct 2010, 21:09

Late Night wouldn't be supported by G4tW as it isn't FROM G4tW initially.

The admin may still respond, but might have been best to have waited for their version, or ask the person you got Late Night from for support.
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Why is my game not loading? Empty Re: Why is my game not loading?

Post by Admin Mon 01 Nov 2010, 16:22

Yusifer wrote:Late Night wouldn't be supported by G4tW as it isn't FROM G4tW initially.

The admin may still respond, but might have been best to have waited for their version, or ask the person you got Late Night from for support.


Late Night? Is it out already?

I don't know any recent cracks for Late Night, so if you could wait a few weeks, I could work on a Late Night release.
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Why is my game not loading? Empty Re: Why is my game not loading?

Post by Yusifer Tue 02 Nov 2010, 07:50

As mentioned in my request topic from... August or September, Late Night was officially released in Europe on October 27th, 2010 and in the West on the 26th.

'Have been downloading someone else's version for 6 days, and with 17 connected sources and 33 seeds, I've not gone >5kb/sec really. I'm averaging between 1&5kb/sec with the Torrent and it's really, really annoying.
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